Pikehall (Minninglow) - Biggin Dalehead - Hartington - Heathcote - Biggin - Pikehall

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This walk is a new development for me, having realised that I do several walks from or through Hartington, but hadn't done a walk actually to Hartington before.

This is a walk involving easy walking along former packhorse trails, green lanes and short sections of the High Peak and Tissington trails, also with sections of field-walking and a dry valley walk from Dalehead onto a short section of Biggin Dale, mostly well-marked. On walking the route, all stiles were present and in good condition, though one on the return route may put off a few walkers, as it climbs the side of a wall to about two metres above road level, with a short step down into the field on the other side. This can easily be avoided without much extra distance, with further road- and track-walking.

The central point of the walk has various facilities including pub, cafe and tea rooms, general store, cheese factory shop, YHA hostel, toilets and pottery to name but a few. The pub used on this walk is the Devonshire Arms, next to the post office on the side of the old Market Square area, offering a reasonable, good-value menu. Some dishes include the excellent, locally-produced cheeses, especially Hartington Stilton and some choice hand-pulled beers including Greene King's Abbot Ale on day of walk.

There are other areas along the route where refreshments can be obtained, mostly on the return route with teas and ice creams available at a roadside cottage as you leave the Tissington Trail above Biggin and also closer to the car parking area at Gotham Grange Farm, just off the High Peak Trail. To avoid some trail-walking, this route diverts to this facility.

England - Central England - Derbyshire - Peak District


Birds, Cafe, Church, Flowers, Food Shop, Gift Shop, Great Views, Pub, Tea Shop, Toilets
7/24/2012 - Sid Marks

Excellent walk, great views, thoroughly enjoyed it. Just a couple of updates which are: At waymark 2 The stile on the bank is around 700 metres from the start, not 200 metres. At waymark 37 the bungalow on the left has stopped selling drinks and snacks, also the farm at waymark 42 has stopped selling them too.

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