Port Quin - Coastal Path South - Trevan Point

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Although only a very short walk (3 miles to be exact) this walk explores some of the most beautiful areas directly around the south of Port Quin. It starts by following a very short section of road to pick up the South West Coast Path which then takes you along the clifftop around Port Quin for some lovely views down on to the cottages below. The route heads up a small valley to Doyden Castle (a National Trust Holiday Cottage) and to Doyden Point which is a small pointed peak with breathtaking 360 degree views of the coast and to another National Trust property and holiday cottage; Doyden House.

The route passes the castle from this point and heads gently uphill along the Coastal Path past two open mine shafts (fences around for safety but you can look in!) and eventually up to Trevan Point which is a small peak along the coast before the route turns inland to follow a public footpath and the road back into Port Quin. Along the road section look out for all of the farmland birds including Buzzards and Yellowhammers which are frequently seen along here and also in the distance over to the right (on a clear day) you can make out Rough Tor and Brown Willy on Bodmin Moor many miles distant.

England - South West England - Cornwall - Coast


Ancient Monument, Birds, Castle, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Industrial Archaeology, National Trust, Sea, Waterfall, Wildlife