Rosedale Abbey - Hill Houses - Northdale - Rosedale Abbey

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Rosedale Abbey is a village which changes greatly with the seasons. During the summer months, particularly in the school holidays, the village can be busy. There are several campsites in the locality, indeed this walk takes you through one and the village serves them well with pubs, cafes and a shop. Out of season the place is much quieter. Once you leave the village at any time of the year on the many well-maintained public rights of way, you soon appreciate the quietness and beauty of the dale which saw so much ironstone mining taking place in the 19th Century. Many people head on to the footpaths to explore the mining area north-west of the village and the former railway line which served it, but this walk takes you into the less well-known Northdale area after you cross Knott Road, the road up to Castleton. The walk can be done as a leisurely half-day out, returning at the end to one of the tea rooms or pubs in the village should you so desire.

England - North England - Yorkshire - North York Moors

8/6/2017 - Paul and Tracy Dawson

Enjoyable walk on well used paths and bridleways. Need to take a map as there's plenty of crossover points, so picking the wrong path can be easily done! Stunning views and plenty of wildlife to see along the way. The building work at wm 9 is complete, holiday let? there's a couple of benches at the entrance to it, a nice spot for our picnic. Thanks Phil

8/24/2014 - Phil Catterall

I visited the location close to Waymark 9 today (24/08/2014). Indeed, a large construction job is ongoing - the rebuilding of a ruined house. I noticed plenty of building materials on site including a large pile of earth and stones however none of this is blocking the right of way down into Northdale. Best wishes, Phil Catterall (Walk contributor)

8/14/2014 - Phil Catterall

Thank you for your observations Brian. Either your Satmap was set to feet and not meters or it needs re-calibrating ... A walk of that distance with 775 metres of ascent in it would be quite challenging and you would certainly know you had done it! Noted about the car park. Yes, when the Milburn Arms reopened the new owners discovered they owned that handy car park we have used for some years and took it away from public use. I will edit the car parking arrangements in the walk detail... The large heap of stones and earth is a worry though, it needs checking. I'm heading up that way a week Sunday so I'll check it out then to see if it is still there. If so I will notify the NYMNP who are generally very good in clearing obstructions. Best wishes Phil Catterall

8/7/2014 - Brian Orland

A nice walk well described. Superb views of Rosedale. But after finishing this walk my Satmap GPS unit told me that the ascent was 775 metres, not the 250 stated. Worth checking maybe. Also, the car park on the OS map is now apparently owned by the hotel and is no longer a public car park. The path is also blocked by a large heap of earth and stones at SE 718978 (Waymark 9) The 'ruin' is being done up!

7/25/2011 - Phil Catterall

Thank you for your comments Stephen. I was in Rosedale the day after your comment appeared on the website and can tell you that the North York Moors National Park are now replacing some of the stiles in Northdale along the Beck south of Waymark 11 as I write this (through grid ref SE 724966). This section is not part of Walk 5958, however it is an easier option for walkers with large dogs who wish to return to Rosedale Abbey via a shorter route without climbing stiles. Best wishes Phil Catterall Walking World Contributor

7/23/2011 - Stephen Foreman

Not for the larger or older pet. Be prepared to lift over a number of stiles. 20 kilos of reluctant Staffie was quite a struggle.

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