San Josep - Talaia San Josep - Font Des Verger Circular

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From San Josep we climb out of the town gently at first, before reaching the point at which a stiff climb begins. We will now climb south-west, sometimes in forest and sometimes in more open terrain with magnificent views southwards to Formentera. Eventually we reach the summit at Cap de Sa Talaia and pause to enjoy magnificent panoramas in both northerly and southerly directions. The mainland of Spain can easily be seen on a clear day. We continue along the ridge track and soon reach the highest point at 487 metres above sea level with a rather unusually mounted trig point. Soon we are descending through pinewoods and eventually emerge in more open country. From here we make our way south to pay a visit to the chapel commemorating the air crash of 1972. We can also take the opportunity to extend the walk by two kilometres to visit a viewpoint with an outstanding vista over the emblematic island of Es Vedra. Now we shall descend through open and forested trails that will bring us down to the timeless countryside south of San Josep. Our walk continues north-eastwards through delightfully unspoilt Ibiza countryside as we make our way to the important old well Font des Verger. Finally a ramble up a quiet country lane brings us back to the charming little town of San Josep.

Spain - Balearic Islands - Ibiza - Inland Ibiza


Ancient Monument, Birds, Butterflies, Cafe, Church, Flowers, Food Shop, Gift Shop, Great Views, Industrial Archaeology, Mountains, Public Transport, Restaurant, Sea, Wildlife, Woodland
6/1/2022 - shaun pearson

Great walk. Did it in May 2022. Warm but bearable. Take plenty of water. Tough short climbs up but rambling route down is through beautiful countryside. Plenty of free parking in San Josep. Mairead and Shaun

1/9/2019 - Jim Arymar

My thanks to walkingworld member Gerrard Sweeney and companions for checking this one out on 8 January 2019. There are no changes and the walk remains a beauty with magnificent scenery from the highest point on Ibiza as well as much interest and variety. Do not miss it! Jim Arymar