Sells Green - Devizes - Rowde

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Beginning at Sells Green, Wiltshire, towards the Kennet and Avon Canal to walk up the Caen Hill flight of locks, the route reaches Devizes before heading over to Rowde. The whole route is one of beautiful lush countryside and interesting architecture, from small cottages to houses large and grand. The Caen Hill flight of locks rises in an amazing display of engineering genius, a tribute to John Rennie and one of the wonders of the Inland Waterways. Built on the high ground of the Vale of Pewsey, the lock flight plunges 237ft from the edge of Devizes towards the Avon Valley in approximately two and a half miles and was completed in 1810. Sadly, the canal went into decline for decades, until it was eventually restored to its present state in the 1970s through the dedicated efforts of volunteers.   

England - South England - Wiltshire - Canal Walk


Birds, Butterflies, Flowers, Great Views, Pub, Tea Shop, Wildlife
4/30/2017 - Colin Hamilton

A good walk. With a wife wary of horses I decided to effect a diversion in Rowde to avoid the section WP9-10. Instead of turning into Cock Lane, we took the waymarked footpath just past the George & Dragon, leading up to the Church (very nice, and worth 5 minutes of visit). Keep going through the church yard and onto Rowde Ct Road. Turn right and walk to the end and left onto the bridle path. Follow it as it takes a 90 degree right and keep following it until it peters out into a path which follows the right hand side of a field. Cross a small wooden bridge to come onto the north bank of the K&A Canal. Cross over to the south bank towpath using the pedestrian bride (145) and then follow the towpath back to bridge 149 and return to the origin of the walk. This route is very straightforward and good underfoot (for the most part. The last part of the bridle path may become a bit boggy for 30 yards if it has rained a lot). Hope the suggestion helps to finish off what is otherwise a very good walk.

4/8/2010 - Adrian Perkins

It has been reported to us that there are a couple of problems between WPs 9 & 10: 1. An "over frisky" horse which was felt to be threatening and 2. The path further on was blocked by an electric fence. If anyone can shed more light on this, please do let us know. Adrian (

5/15/2005 - Martin Beta

Excellent walk, thank you. The instructions were very necessary for waypoint 9 onto 10 as the vegetation was quite high and this is not a frequently walked path so not obvious where to go. The GPS & OS map were also very helpful. Lovely walk on an equally lovely day weather wise. The Caen Hill flight is such an amazing feat of engineering for its era and is not to be missed if you have never seen it before. Nice little cafe near the top of the flight. Thanks again. The Atworth Explorers

5/15/2005 - Martin Beta

Excellent walk, thank you. Instructions were good and very necessary around Waypoint 9 and onto 10. We had GPS and detailed map but due to height of vegetation along river bank and through the small copse, the notes were very helpful. It looks like not many people walk this path (we must have been the first for a some time!). Thanks for great walk which we combined with a geocache along the Caen Hill flight of locks. The Atworth Explorers