Sheepleas to West Horsley

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The walk starts at the Sheepleas car park and follows a mixture of woodland and open spaces to West Horsley. It returns via a minor road, followed by a country lane. A ten-minute detour (five minutes each way) is possible to a garden centre.
From wm19, although it is a moderately quiet road, the pavement is very narrow.
From wm20, an even quieter road but no footpath.
An alternative to avoid these is to follow the route as far as Squires (wm13) and then retrace your steps. Certainly we will do this when we take our grandchildren on this walk.

England - South England - Surrey - Countryside

7/31/2021 - Norman Lavender

Inspired by Stephen's comments I re-did this walk today. This is obviously a good time of year to enjoy the wild flower meadows. See the comment I have added to the walk description concerning walking with young children.

7/26/2021 - Stephen Harris

Walked 26.07.2021. This is a nice simple walk with great directions and as July 2021, free parking at the large car-park (Sheepleas Car Park). There are lovely meadows with wild flowers, butterflies, dragon flies and bees in summer months and lovely woodland. After this you reach another lovely field or two and then you walk back along a quiet lane with lovely properties. A nice little walk for a gentle stroll and whilst there aren't the views you can expect of some walks, it's still nice for a stroll of an afternoon! Cheers Norman!

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