Simonside Crags and Lordenshaws Fort

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This walk takes in the four peaks of The Beacon Cairn, Dove Crag, Simonside Crags and Lordenshaws Fort. The views which you are rewarded with, to both the north and south, are quite breathtaking. Although the path along the ridge of the first three peaks is very well-defined, it can be very muddy after wet weather. Also, as it's a ridge walk it can be quite bracing at the top (my 16-month-old son certainly wasn't amused at the strength of the wind the day we did the walk), so make sure you are properly prepared for the conditions.

England - North England - Northumberland - Northumberland National Park


Great Views, Hills or Fells
7/23/2024 - Tom and Joyce Kay

The walk from the Car Park to the Craigs and onward is outstanding. Our weather was not brilliant but the 360deg views were remarkable. In addition, the rock formations were stunning with several looking like petrified prehistoric mammals. Next time we will continue on the ridge to Tosson and return, either back along the tops, or descend at Bob Pyle's Studdie and return to the CP via the road.

11/9/2014 - Phil Catterall

A superb walk which I led for Ryedale Walking Group ( in November 2014. We added in a section to reach the trig point at Tosson Hill and then returned to Bob Pyle's Studdie - Tosson Hill is the highest point in the Simonside Hills and a Marilyn Summit for the peak baggers. The route was an easy one to navigate into the more remote parts of the Simonside Hills. I noted one change in the walk details. The ladder stile in Waymark 03 is now a gate - better for the dog walkers... (Note: Grouse Moor so keep dogs on leads. I will submit the photo I took of the gate to Walking World and hope this may be changed. Thanks to Jude Paterson for a walk which was much enjoyed by 15 members of our walking group. Phil Catterall (WW Contributor)

3/18/2009 - Barry Benson

Path along between the Crags now almost completely flagged and very easy to walk. Views Stunning. It's a cracker, even in heavy showers! Very good explanation to the fort available in the National Parks Centre in Rothbury.

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22.4 Miles
22.4 Miles