Sluie Gorge Walk

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This is a short walk along the top of one of several gorges on the River Findhorn, near Forres, Moray. The path overlooks the gorge with views to the river 100ft below. The many trees partially obscure the views in places, but there are several beautiful peep-holes which give the scale of the gorge. This year (2007), a very wet one, the Findhorn is in spate and gives a good picture of how the river cut such a deep gorge. In wet weather the path can be muddy; boots are advised.

Because of the narrowness of the path along the top of the gorge it is strongly advised that young children be looked after and dogs put on lead.

To add a further clifftop walk to this one, drive south on the A940 for 3km to the Randolph's Leap Walk (4382), another spectacular gorge... there's a tea room on the way.

Scotland - Northeast Scotland - Moray - Coast


Birds, Flowers, Gift Shop, Great Views, River, Tea Shop, Toilets, Wildlife, Woodland