St Asaph and Cwm

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The walk is based on the city of St Asaph, where the cathedral is smaller than any other in Britain. It follows the Afon Clwyd for a while before climbing to Cwm below the Clwydian Range of hills. Enjoy the wide views on the country lanes used for the first part of the return.

Wales - North Wales - Denbighshire - Clwydian Hills


Ancient Monument, Birds, Butterflies, Cafe, Church, Flowers, Food Shop, Great Views, Pub, Public Transport, Restaurant, River, Tea Shop, Toilets, Wildlife, Woodland
1/16/2019 - Ian Dodd

We thought we'd give this walk a go despite the negative comments, on the grounds that these are 10 years old! Well much has changed for the better, but not all. Many of the stiles are missing the cross-bar, making them a little difficult to get over, some are wired, but only one is in really poor condition. The stile and sign at 11 are now in the right place, by the gates. The way between 12 and 13 is now clear, but the stile at the end poor but passable. There were no crops in the field at 14 so we were able to go straight across. At 16 you don't need to slant right and then left, as the stile ahead, and plank bridge, is now clear. At 18 there are many more trees than in the photo and the way to the stile at the farm is ankle deep mud. On the common land between 18 and 19 there is a bench with a very fine view. At 19 I'm not sure it's worth going into Cwn unless you want the pub (and it was closed on a Tues lunchtime). There is a bridge at 20 although the walk description says it no longer exists.The stiles at 24 and other end of the plantation have no crossbars but the way between them was fine. The stile at 26 is now clear, although it doesn't look like it is until you're very close to it. So far so good. At 26 we went through the gate but soon found the way blocked by brambles and spiky little shrubs whichever way we tried to get through. We returned to the gate and followed the same direction but this time with the hedge on our left. We found a stile with a yellow arrow at the end of the field, and thought we were back on track. However we soon came up against impenetrable undergrowth (not even secateurs would have been enough to get through it) so we crossed the stream and found an animal track to follow. Very muddy but at least we were heading in the right direction. We emerged in a narrow field and followed the boundary, keeping right, until we were back on the line we should have been on, and found the stream and stile described at the end of 26. No yellow arrows though! All fine until we got to the footbridge, in fine condition, but at the end it had a sign saying 'Public Footpath Closed'. After all that! But we saw nothing further back about a path closure. We arrived back at the car, after four hours, with little tears to our coats and trousers, looking quite disheveled, but feeling quite satisfied that we'd actually made it! Moderator: this is a very long comment, sorry! Feel free to email us before publishing, to see what needs to be included or what could be edited. Might be easier to withdraw the walk? Or amend it. Thanks, Trish and Ian

6/6/2009 - Barrie Colman

Four of us did this walk on 3rd June 2009. Because of numerous problems, this was an UN-enjoyable walk, not worthy of inclusion in the Walking World database - avoid it! The MAJORITY of stiles have either been removed or are broken and unsafe. As a result many fences were extremely difficult to traverse and many people would probably not be able to do so. As well as the blocked rights of way described in the text and other comments, the section between WP12 and WP13 is a jungle of brambles and nettles. After 30 minutes hacking our way through it, we found the stile after it both removed and blocked! At WP25 you also HAVE to use the "gate on the left-hand side" because the correct path is again blocked, by thorn bushes. At WP26 the bridge across the small stream is falling to bits and positively dangerous.     

2/27/2008 - Stephen Kenny

Did this entertaining walk June 07 & can re-itterate Henry Jarman's comments; also, found many sections extremely overgrown (I would recommend secateurs in summer). Don't be put-off, though, this is a very attractive area.

11/7/2006 - Henry Jarman

The following has been redirected. No,s 5,6,7, the route is to the left much closer to the Afon Clwyd, with new stiles and fencing. From No 25 we had to go through the gate as electric fence was across the field, then after re-entering the field the stile leading to the lane was so over grown we had to go to the field on the left ,and exit by a gate to get onto the lane. Would also like to report that both stiles at No,s 24 & 25 are broken, and difficult to use. Hope this can help future walkers. Henry Jarman, Stockbridge Village Ramblers.

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