Stewkley - Hollingdon - Soulbury - Liscombe Park

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This is a beautiful part of Buckinghamshire, with views over the Greensand Ridge to the north-east and to the Chilterns south. Stewkley has a fine example of a Norman church. The countryside is varied, mainly agricultural but with some sheep and cattle.

This is one of my favourite walks in the area. The villages still have character and original country cottages. The walking is mainly in open country with occasional woodland. There are lots of stiles and some are double with a plank bridge over a stream between.

We are fortunate that the area around Stewkley is still rural, as years ago there were plans to develop another 'London Airport', which would have swamped much of the area. Local people rallied together and put up such strong opposition that the project was abandoned.

Part of the walk is along the Mid Bucks Way and if you like the area you might consider walking that as a further project. There is one 'blot' on the walk and the Mid Bucks Way, which is the approach to the delightful hamlet of Hollingdon. There are caravans and workshops visible on the approach from Stewkley and the trail goes through it, but once past this it is a charming place.

England - Central England - Buckinghamshire - Countryside


Church, Great Views, Mostly Flat, Pub, Public Transport, Restaurant
10/1/2015 - David Meyer

Strongly suggest avoiding this walk. We completed the walk, on a glorious sunny October day, in 3.5 hours, but it was very tough going. The fields were almost all newly ploughed and very unpleasant underfoot. Significant parts are overrun with brambles and stinging nettles and at parts required our beating a path with sticks. There are some magnificent walks on this site, sadly this isn't one of them!

5/29/2012 - Bill Slaven

Walked this on Saturday 26th May and I don't think anyone has walked it since Keith's comments below! The path is not marked going through fields and some areas are like a jungle especially near waypoint 4 and at the end. It also took me just over 4 hours to do and I was very disappointed with it especially after the start of the walk and the wildlife reserve!

5/28/2008 - Keith Featherstone

Walked this on Tuesday 28th May. A lovely walk spoilt by the state of the footpaths. I doubt that the footpath had been walked for many months, in many areas sections were overgrown with nettles and other greenry. In many fields the line of the footpath had not been marked and the choice was chest high rape or knee high wheat. Where the footpath had been marked it had been done when the rape was 2 to 3 ft high which meant forcing your way through the dead stems. It took us almost 4hrs to walk this route not 2hr 15 mins as suggested. We will not be recommending this walk to our rambling group.

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