Stoke Albany - Brampton Ash - Ashley - Stoke Albany

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This is a very pleasant, rural walk with some outstanding views on stretches of the Jurassic Way and Midshires Way. There are some fine churches in the attractive ironstone villages visited - and some decent pubs too.

Information for Dog Owners: subject to the normal precautions to be observed by dog-owners when walking in sheep country, this walk is considered suitable for biddable dogs.

England - Central England - Northamptonshire - Countryside


Birds, Butterflies, Church, Flowers, Good for Kids, Pub, Public Transport, Toilets, Wildlife, Woodland
6/10/2021 - bob higgins

Good walk but felt a little longer. It's June 2021 and fields up to the first village are planted with no marked routes and no field edges. I needed OS map as well as walking way map to find gaps in overgrown hedges. Near Ashley fields were well marked but stick needed at hedges for stinging nettles (it's a warm day. The George pub is a life saver with good beer and good pub food. Views great. Thank you.

4/30/2011 - Steve Moore

A great walk, although difficult to follow in places. The green Jurrassic Way signpost seems to have gone, we just followed the Jurassic Way waywark arrows to point 7. Also got a bit confused at point 25 to Wilbarston. A very nice walk however, with great views at every turn! Note; there are lots of fields of cows with their calves at this time of year. (April)