The Fara from Dalwhinnie

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An easy introduction to Corbett-Bagging, The Fara is the name given to the long ridge above Dalwhinnie, down the side of Loch Ericht. This walk uses a newly created forest track to gain access to the mountainside and then a short but steepish pull up to the summit, where there are great views over the Drumochter Pass and Dalwhinnie. At 911 metres The Fara is just a few metres short of being a Munro, the huge summit cairn actually takes the hight over the magic 3,000 feet, but it still doesn't count, sadly!

Although this is a short walk and much of it is along forest tracks, The Fara remains a major hill. The weather can change quickly and walkers should be prepared with waterproof and windproof layers. Basic navigation skills will be necessary in bad visibility but there are no significant risks en route.

Scotland - Northeast Scotland - Perth and Kinross - Rannoch and Glen Lyon

4/5/2014 - Richard Hardy

Pretty much lead free walking from start to finish. The gate onto the hillside has no stile and so dogs will need to be lifted over (difficult for big dogs). Potential exposure to livestock if the deer are low on the hill due to weather