The Rose and Crown to The Village Inn and Back

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The walk starts at The Rose and Crown Pub, just off Junction 3 of the M42. The pub has a large car park, so parking shouldn't be a problem. From here we head for Hob Hill, where there is a trig point in excellent condition, as well as some fine views.

We now head SE past The Woodlands (where we were within 20ft of three roe-deer) to Heath Green via fields. Along the way we pass some large horse paddocks. From here we continue via more farms and stables and over a couple of streams to Beoley, where you can stop for some reasonably priced food at The Village Inn.

Return via Carpenters Hill, Seaford Farm and Rose Cottage Farm, where you may see some pigs...

There are twenty-plus stiles and we'd say the walk is not good for dogs, due to horses and livestock.

England - Central England - Worcestershire - Countryside


Birds, Flowers, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Pub, River, Wildlife
3/11/2021 - Frank Dawson

Thanks for the updates, Dave and Sam. I tried the walk again last weekend, and had no trouble finding my way. As you say, there are a lot of stiles, some quite awkward, and a couple of steep hills, so it was a good workout. But a thoroughly enjoyable walk, surprisingly quiet, and some splendid views.

12/21/2020 - Dave and Sam Asbury

Following Frank's comments we decided to revisit this walk as it's been a while since it was written. Confusion comes from stiles being replaced with kissing gates, and hedgerow removals. We'd updated the text and relevant photos to reflect the changes. Walked 20/12/20.

11/30/2020 - Frank Dawson

I tried this walk yesterday and ran into trouble between points 4 and 5. The 'old broken gate with yellow marker' isn't there. I followed the map by continuing in the same direction (the waymark on the kissing gate pointing right didn't help). I think I found the field where you where you 'continue up and diagonally right to opposite corner (SE)'. There was no exit at this corner, despite a waymark pointing in that direction. I found an exit at the NE corner and doubled back, rejoining the route by the training circuit. After I got lost a third time (entirely my fault) I gave up.

3/11/2011 - Jan Holtham

We thoroughly enjoyed this walk with some wonderful views and plenty of horses and sheep. I agree with all the comments made. We did this when it hadn't rained for a few days and it was still very boggy in many places. I certainly wouldn't recommend it after recent rainfall. Also, there are no holes for dogs on any of the stiles so, as it is said, it is not dog friendly.

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