Three Lochs: Duntelchaig, Bunachton and Loch a Chlachain

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This is a varied walk, passing through birch-woods, pine forest, farmland and along lochsides. The earlier part includes a section of narrow path which can be muddy; but in the main the paths are good. Parts are on quiet country roads. The route is quite well signposted, with pleasant picnic sites and no strenuous climbing.

Scotland - Highlands and Islands - Highland - Loch


Ancient Monument, Birds, Butterflies, Church, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Lake/Loch, Moor, Wildlife, Woodland
4/19/2011 - A Hughes

Beautiful walk,descriptions are really good. We had to double up and miss out points 5-7 as the gate at 5 was locked. Still a nice walk though.

7/15/2008 - Thomas Kee

Hi measured track route on map, correct distance of extended route was 8.25 mls, NOT 9 +. My apologies, regards Thomas

7/14/2008 - Thomas Kee

13/07/2008. Used Ashie Estate path to avoid entering farm at Easterton. Turned right to rejoin original path between wpt 3 & 4. Had to double back as the path was almost non existant and really very very wet. Continued on large loop to Mains of Benachton farm. En route spotted small signs with inverted triangle and T7L on a water background. Tilhill Forestry perhaps? Have photo of sign if required. This took total walk to approx 9.5 miles. Also spotted deer on Loch Benachton stretch. Keep up the good work, thoroughly enjoyed the walk although a tad wet here and there underfoot. Hope this helps. Thomas

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Distance away
16.8 Miles