Throop Mill - Parley Green - Nature Reserve - Berry Hill

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The area around Throop Mill itself is a rather forgotten backwater and is all the better for that. You cross the weir system and are soon passing by a children's adventure playground, skirting around a golf course and going by ponds with numerous geese and duck residents.

Eventually, you reach an A road, but you should not let this bother you. There is a broad pavement and views, especially as you cross the river. Back beside the river on the other side, you are in the Stour Valley Nature Reserve and on a path which you will follow for the next mile and a half. After that you turn away from the river but meet it again when you reach the mill at the end of the walk.

The two legs of the walk are of course two separate branches of the Stour Valley Way, which runs from the river mouth to Stourhead. The area around Throop and Holdenhurst (further downstream) is the site of the original settlements in the Bourenemouth area, although little remains to indicate this past history.

This walk was originated by Colin Campbell. Walkingworld would like to say a big thank you to Colin for all his superb contributions to the website over the years.

England - South West England - Dorset - River Walk


Birds, Butterflies, Flowers, Great Views, Industrial Archaeology, Mostly Flat, National Trust, Pub, Public Transport, River, Wildlife, Woodland
6/3/2019 - Dennis Johnson

Very pleasant walk with it also being an added bonus on this walk to be able to walk on the two separate footpaths separated by the river of the Stour Valley Way. At the start of the walk please note at points 3 and 4 there are no stiles anymore just wide open gates. Also at point 12 there is also now a footpath sign

7/12/2016 - John Crisp

Walked this route again with our walking group after a three & half year gap. Attractive walk apart from the inevitable A road to join the two sections of the Stour Way. Note comment by h carter [25/04/16] at point 10... I wish I had! The track here has been widened [perhaps for past pylon work] and appears to be the main route. Do not head South West but go, as directed, straight on [west]. The stile does not exist and nor does the new gate [photograph]. The footpath sign has been knocked down and pushed into the hedge.

4/25/2016 - h carter

Sadly, my GPS tells me the walk was only 6.67 miles - a disappointment as I had been working to get to 7 as part of my post illness recovery. But other than that it did the job - the two legs alongside the stour were very pleasant and tranquil and we saw a swan nesting. Some stiles are missing or very overgrown but on the whole this doesn't hamper navigation. Care is needed at the end of 'clue' 9 - the stile is easy to miss. Look for where the paths divide immediately after Parley Manor and take the right fork. if you look hard enough you will see a footpath sign! The footpath sign at the end of 'clue' 12 IS signposted and is immediately after Bramble Farm Cottages on your right.

8/5/2012 - Kai Chandler

I really enjoyed this walk. Although I don't live far from here, I've not visited this part of the Stour Valley Way and was amazed at how tranquil and pretty the walk is. I spotted two Herons flying along the river. Easy to navigate although there were some stiles and a ten minute walk by an A road which served only to remind me of why I enjoy walking in the countryside! Highly recommended.

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