Tiverton (Cheshire), Tilstone Fearnall and the Shropshire Union Canal

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This is an easy walk through attractive countryside with good views of the Shropshire Union Canal and of Beeston Castle. Spring flowers and autumn fruits are plentiful. Few of the paths are much used, so birds and small mammals can be spotted if you know how to look for them. The route takes us past a substantial country house that is kept well out of sight. It continues across classic Cheshire farmland before crossing a racing estate; you might see horses being exercised. Later on there are good views of Beeston Castle. Nearer the finish, a domestic garage with a clock-tower shows a pleasantly frivolous touch. The proximity of The Lockgate Coffee House to the route may be welcomed by both (grand)parents and children.

England - North England - Cheshire - Countryside


Birds, Cafe, Flowers, Public Transport, Tea Shop, Wildlife
7/11/2021 - Philip Ingram

As of July 2021, the area from WP25 to WP28 is carrying a barley crop through which no-one has walked. Until it is harvested, probably in September 2021, I suggest that you continue along the A51 at WP24. Watch out for a well hidden but waymarked stile on the opposite side of the road. Shortly after, head right along a broad, grassy track that curves gently right until it meets a metalled lane. Turn right along the metalled lane as far as the bridge over the railway. There is a waymarked stile immediately before the bridge parapet. Squeeze though the tight gap to enter the field, then follow the hedge on your left until you reach a tree in the field by a horse-jump. This is WP 27, so the standard instructions should work from there.

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