Torr Alvie, Aviemore
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This walk, four kilometres south of Aviemore, climbs Torr Alvie to the Duke of Gordon Monument at the summit (358m), where there are spectacular views north along Strathspey to Grantown, south along the Spey into Badenoch, east to the Cairngorms and west to the Monadhliaths. It's a walk that is not very well-known. Frequent visitors to the Aviemore area will, I'm sure, have seen the monument on the skyline; but few will have climbed to it. It gives a new view of the Rothiemurchus and Glenmore area.
The early part of the walk is on a quiet, narrow estate road (only estate vehicles allowed), while the rest of it is on a well-graded Land-Rover track along the spine of the Torr Alvie ridge, through birch, oaks, old juniper and heather. Bits of the track can be muddy in wet weather.
The estate rears deer and pheasants (no dogs, please) and would prefer not to have visitors during the shooting seasons.
A very enjoyable family walk, boots are advised and refreshments etc are at nearby Aviemore.
Scotland - Highlands and Islands - Highland - Strathspey
Ancient Monument, Birds, Great Views, Hills or Fells, River, Wildlife, Woodland
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