Trentham Gardens and the Hanchurch Hills

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The walk is based on Trentham Gardens, as this has parking and other facilities. A footpath through a golf course leads under the M6 and gives access to the wooded Hanchurch Hills. Here a series of tracks with a few field-paths lead to the village of Swynnerton with its inn. Further tracks and lanes lead to a climb over the hills to the west of Trentham and an easy return.

England - Central England - Staffordshire - Countryside


Birds, Butterflies, Cafe, Church, Flowers, Great Views, Industrial Archaeology, Lake/Loch, Pub, Public Transport, Restaurant, River, Stately Home, Toilets, Wildlife, Woodland
8/1/2011 - Mangal Mistry

29/07/11 It’s been very hot recently, but I am glad it’s cloudy and cool today to do this much longer walk (for me). Trentham Gardens, - an excellent place to start the walk from…so much to see here. The walk has everything, - woodlands, wildlife, wonderful views, lakes, and very convenient Fitzherbert’s Arms. I was welcomed for beer and sandwiches, even though they had no electricity on that day. Author’s instructions were perfect - only correction I would make is at point 22. There is no path here to the left of the tree. I would suggest the more obvious path carved out by the farmer through rapeseed crop. This will miss out points 23, 24 and arrive at point 25. Here there is a brand new sign post, (with what looks like a yeti – see my photos) so no confusion. Also at point 17 there is no longer an open area, but new wood, and a broken gate. I thoroughly recommend this walk. Photos at :

6/21/2011 - Sid Marks

Thoroughly enjoyed this walk, made even better by perfect walk instructions. Recommended.

5/2/2011 - Sally Longhorn

01/05/2011 - Sally Longhorn : Did this walk today and,unfortunately, Fitzherbert Arms is now closed again and up for let.

10/4/2008 - Anthony Carroll

3/10/08 - Tony Carroll : Although it is no big problem to start & finish this walk via the main road as per guide, the Trentham Estate's free Lakeside Walks let you walk to the left of the Garden Centre (going North) to pick up between Points 4 & 5. Well signposted (if coming South!). This more attractive cut-off closes at 4pm in Winter. Great pie shop in Shopping Village, tasty if pricey.   

5/19/2007 - Angela Morgan

Angela and Pauline - walked this today and even in the heavy drizzle really enjoyed it. The Fitz is now fully operational with normal pub opening hours and they were happy to have us - even though we were dripping wet!

2/25/2007 - Amy Rhodes

We have done this walk today. Even though it was very muddy underfoot we have had a great day. The directions were really easy to follow so thanks as this helps alot.

7/10/2006 - Ian Stoddart

The pub, The Fitz, is open. Food available. Open all day Fri, Sat, and Bank hols. Closed 2.30-5.30 Mon-Thurs. Sun after 6.30. TA TA 4 now.

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Pubs, cafes and restaurants
Distance away
23.6 Miles