Walderton - Stansted House - Racton Monument - Walderton

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This lovely circular walk starts at the delightful village of Walderton with its superb pub, The Barley Mow. The walk is fairly flat walking, mainly on well-defined tracks and lanes, taking you past Stansted House where you can enjoy the Pavilion Tea Rooms in a restored Victorian glasshouse.

Then it takes the old pack-horse road from Chichester to Portsmouth - a delightful old track used in medieval times during the winter when the current A27 route was too boggy. You will pass by Racton Monument. This mysterious ruin dates back to 1772 and was built for Lord Halifax as a landscape feature, see 'additional information'. The route descends to the road with outstanding views across to Walderton Down and Kingley Vale.

Field-paths lead you to your return to Walderton along the banks of the pretty River Ems, but be warned: this is a 'part-time' river and dries up without trace during times of drought.

England - South England - West Sussex - South Downs


Ancient Monument, Butterflies, Flowers, Good for Kids, Great Views, Mostly Flat, Pub, Public Transport, River, Stately Home, Tea Shop, Wildlife, Woodland
9/21/2024 - Harry Cook

I completed this walk twice in the last two weeks. It is very easy to navigate and the gentle rise from the lay-by to Watergate Hanger is rewarded by some excellent views. Stansted house has various events running through the year so it is worth checking their web site to check if anything is of interest. The bad news is that the future of the Barley Mow in Walderton is in doubt so check out their website if you are wanting to eat there. Much of the walk is on paved paths or firm tracks so a good one after rain. Overall a really good walk. Thank you.

7/2/2017 - Neil Titmuss

Completed this walk today (02 July 2017), another fantastic walk from Sylvia. We notice that the Stansted House are doing road works to a car park just between points 9 and 10. the path is tucked away in a corner across the car park. the wooden styles around here are now kissing gates. it appears the finger posts are missing too. Another fantastic walk Sylvia. Thank you.

1/27/2013 - Anne England

The latter part of this walk was a bit muddy when we did it today... but it was lovely. However, our GPS route tracker on our Android Phones (MyTracks) calculated this walk at 6 miles. Can't be totally sure it's accurate, but it's worth noting.

12/2/2011 - Corinne Waterfield

Completed the walk back to front. Muddy in places, but ok with the right gear. In general dog friendly - a few places where a lead is needed, but not too much. One stile would be a bit difficult if you can't carry your dog over it, unless it doesn't mind climbing! There was a small gap underneath, but no good for larger dogs. Overall very enjoyable - would recommend it.

11/27/2011 - Sue Whitaker

This was our first Walkingworld walk and the directions were excellent - we didn't need to consult our map once. Apart from the scenery, lots of points of interest - Stansted House, Racton Monument, Lordington House, a beautiful Queen Anne House that can be glimpsed behind trimmed box hedges, and a herd of alpacas. When we do this walk again we will start in the middle at Stansted House (free car parking) so we can enjoy a coffee + cake at the end in The Pavilion Cafe. I have been here many times and can recommend it highly - located in a restored glass house within a walled garden, food and service are always first rate.

8/22/2009 - Helena Pugsley

Lovely walk with the tea room at Stansted perfectly placed half way round! Stansted House is only open 2 days a week (and costs to enter) but the tea rooms, garden centre and gardens are free and open all year round. I recommend the home made scones! More about the walk and photos on my blog here: http://helenap.wordpress.com/2009/08/22/walderton-stansted/

12/28/2007 - Ian and Sarah Jane Lloyd

This made a very nice Boxing Day morning walk. Even though there were lots of people out walking, riding and shooting we still managed to see some Deer. As most of the walk is along solid tracks and lanes this makes a good winter walk.

7/3/2006 - Ray Churcher

Did thid one on Sun 2nd July.Must have picked the hottest day of the year so far! Another fine walk with clear written instructions. As the description states the walk is in the main on decent tracks/lanes and maybe one to consider perhaps in the autumn/spring when the going elsewhere maybe not so good. Many thanks, Ray Churcher.

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