Warenford Circular via Chatton Moor and Brownridge

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The walk begins in the small hamlet of Warenford, immediately east of the A1 trunk road. It takes the walker through fields, woods, rough scrubland and heather moors. It can be quite soggy underfoot in places but the walk offers good views and perhaps a glimpse of deer in the woods.

England - North England - Northumberland - Countryside


Birds, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Pub, Wildlife
7/2/2021 - Keith Inight

We found this walk hard - both physically and finding our way. It took us nearly 5 hours (compared with 3.5 hours for walk 2313 that we did the day before - with much nicer scenery by the way). The first mile we had to make our way through grass nearly 3 feet high. There are very few route markings and in many places you have to walk across open land without a defined path. I had a professional quality GPS and we would have got lost a number of times without it.

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Distance away
29.2 Miles