West Wycombe - Naphill Common – Bradenham – West Wycombe

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West Wycombe - Naphill Common – Bradenham – Hearnton Wood - West Wycombe

This walk is a mixture of open fields and woodland in the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty north of High Wycombe. Starting from the car park in West Wycombe, the walk passes by the entrance to the infamous 'Hell Fire Caves'. Crossing the A4010 and the railway line, the route steadily climbs, with a great view behind of the mausoleum on the hill on the other side of the valley.

The route then enters the woodland of Naphill Common (with its muddy paths!) before descending past the manor-house into the picturesque village of Bradenham. After leaving the tea room (or the park benches overlooking the cricket green), the walk crosses the A4010 once more before heading uphill through more woodland to reach Noble's Farm. The route takes the walker back through Hearnton Wood before returning to the car park and the start of the walk.

England - Central England - Buckinghamshire - Chilterns


Church, Great Views, Hills or Fells, National Trust, Pub, Public Transport, Woodland
6/29/2021 - Andrew Long

Walk reviewed and updated by contributor on a murky June Sunday. The car park is no longer free and will cost you £4 for more than 2 hours. Neil Packham makes valuable comments and these have been incorporated into the walk between WM11 and 14. As marker posts have not been replaced since 2016, a GPS device such as the WalkingWorld app is your best friend to get to WM14 from where things are straightforward again.

5/24/2016 - Neil Packham

The garden centre is closed but the large car park remains. I didn't see a soul between West Wycombe and Bradenham and the views were often beautiful. Things got a bit more confusing on reaching Naphill Common, where the multitude of randomly forking paths and some missing marker posts (I found what may have been the one described in WM11 lying in the undergrowth) made me glad of the GPS on my 'phone. The route was eventually reacquired at WM14 and without problems thereafter. Recommended.

9/25/2011 - Andrew Long

Reviewed and updated by contributor

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