White Lodge - Priestcliffe - Chelmorton - Taddington - White Lodge

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This walk involves mostly lane- and track-walking, though mostly on little-used farm access tracks and green lanes. There is quite a network of lanes in this area.

The route is mostly not difficult, though there is a steep climb on the outward route and a descent on the return which can be difficult in wet weather.

All stiles were present when walked and marked, with only one area where the marking was confusing, but not impossible to work out.

The pub used on this walk, the Church Inn in Chelmorton, is reached by quite a steep descent, which is climbed again on the return. This is a walker-friendly pub, recently extended, but retaining stone flags in the bar area floor. Their menu is good if a little expensive, though portions are quite generous. Also they offer a choice of hand-pulled beers, including Adnams and Black Sheep when walked; these do change from time to time.

England - Central England - Derbyshire - Peak District


Birds, Church, Flowers, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Nature Trail, Pub, Toilets, Wildlife

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