The Monks Trod via Nannerth - Moelfryn - Cwmcoch - Nannerth

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The Monks' Trod - Nannerth - Moelfryn - Penrhiw-wen - Cwmcoch - Pont Marteg

The Monks' Trod is one of the most ancient constructed trackways in the British Isles. It joined the Cistercian abbeys of mid-Wales, in particular Strata Florida to the west and Abbey Cwmhir to the east. The section walked on this route is right in the middle and incorporates a spur leading down to Rhayader.

The first section of the walk passes just below the hill of Moelfryn. Crossing over remote fell and past a ruined and isolated settlement, the path climbs up to a road and then we join the other spur heading towards Rhayader. Leaving this section of the Trod (unfortunately shared with 4x4s and trailbikes but only for a short way), a path takes us steeply down into the Wye Valley and back to the start.

The walk can be combined with visiting the nature reserve and ancient farmhouse at Gilfach.

This walk features in the 'Pathways' book - for more information click on the link on the Walkingworld homepage.

With thanks to A W Rhodri Thomas for his helpful additions February 2015.

Wales - Mid Wales - Powys - Elan Valley


Ancient Monument, Great Views, Hills or Fells
4/11/2011 - Ian Jones

Great walk. Directions were generally good, especially with the tips about moved paths. Our dog had a grand time.

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Distance away
25.5 Miles