An Caisteal and Beinn a' Chroin

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A series of parallel undulating ridges run south-east from Crianlarich and include seven Munros. An Caisteal and Beinn a' Chroin are reached by an excellent high-level walk along one of the middle ridges. Running parallel to the east is the rocky ridge of Cruach Ardrain and Beinn Tulaichean (Walk 4136) with the magnificent peaks of Ben More and Stob Binnein (Walk 4495) towering behind.

The rocky landscape continues to the west with the ridges of Stob Glas and Beinn Chabhair (Walk 4839). The approach starts along a rough vehicle track followed by a steep ascent over grassy hillside to Sron Gharbh at the start of the ridge. A narrow path zigzags along the ridge over Twistin Hill to the summit of An Caisteal (The Castle).

Some scrambling is involved in the descent from An Caisteal to a col and again in the ascent to Beinn a' Chroin. This is a 1.5km ridge with three tops running west to east, the middle top being the highest by just two metres. The descent from the east top is on a path leading down a 2km-long knobbly ridge to the flat, grassy, but wet, valley floor.

Scotland - Central Scotland - Stirling - Loch Lomond and The Trossachs


Great Views, Mountains, Munro