Aldeburgh - Sailors' Path - Snape - Friston - Aldeburgh

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Starting from a small free car park beside the road into Aldeburgh, you use a superb path known as the Sailors' Path with excellent views and delightful woodland, to reach the edge of Snape. Turning north-east you use more field-paths to arrive at Friston, a pleasant little village with a church and windmill.

From here, on more field-paths and then a very pleasant path beside Aldeburgh Golf Course, you return to the main road, where a short stretch of road-walking returns you to your start point.

England - East England - Suffolk - Heaths


Birds, Butterflies, Church, Flowers, Food Shop, Great Views, Pub, River, Toilets, Wildlife, Woodland
4/25/2017 - Alan and Jackie Bennett

Lovely walk completed for the 3rd time. Always have an issue at note 8 as it appears the farmer has crops on part of the walk. Just as easy to leave the field at the far right corner and walk down the hill to the pub. No other signing issues and as previously said the walk back up from the golf club is now very easy. Completed in 2hrs 35 mins steady walk. Dog friendly off lead approx 90% of the time.

9/17/2013 - Denis Drury

Pleased to report that a new section of 'off-road' path has recently been created across from the golf club. Also that the roadside verge has been cleared and it is now possible to walk this section of the route without walking in the road at any stage.

6/20/2011 - Roger Walker

A every enjoyable walk. We returned to the carpark by diverting right soon after waypoint 13 and following the broad track to the road where it emerges opposite the car park. I realise this isn't a right of way but judging by the boot prints it's commonly used by walkers.

3/6/2010 - Margaret Baldry

27/02/2010 A very good walk with plenty to see - thank you. Sadly though the pub in Friston is now closed and for sale but there's a good bus shelter for eating the packed lunch! At point 8 the field is completely under cultivation - we had to walk over rows of potatoes with no sign of footpath. More worrying though is the last stretch of the walk, from the Golf Club to the car park. Much of this is on a very narrow verge beside the busy A1094. About 200 metres is overgrown and we had to walk in the road - scary stuff. I have contacted the County Council about this.

12/30/2008 - Walkingworld Administrator

Thanks to Adrian Perkins for updating this walk, December 2008. Please note that Adrian feels that the first sentence in waymark 8 needs some clarification in order not to miss Friston (and the pub).