Around Port Sunlight River Park

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A circular walk in a beautiful rural landscaped having very gentle gradients and magnificent views. Gaze at the ships creeping down the Mersey to the docks; mingle with the bird watchers looking for a glimpse of some rare bird; and there are always the ever-present sculptures to enjoy. Not forgetting the excitement of exploring the geocache trail. There is a central hill, and this route has very gentle gradients and all the paths are well surfaced. This walk takes a spiral route to the top where you will find the wooden statue with the binoculars (photo on the right); then there is a spiral walk back down again. You can't get lost and are free to deviate from this route and explore the park if you so wish. There are signs throughout the park explaining what to look out for around your location.

This walk is suitable for all of the family and also excellent for dogs, wheelchairs and buggies. There are no gates or styles, and the route is liberally scattered with bench seats and picnic tables and there are toilets half way round, but no shops or refreshments. Suitable footwear will be anything flat soled and there should be no problems for anyone wearing shorts. The standard map is hard to follow, so in the 'Related downloads' section of this walk you will find a jpg file of an enlarged updated map with the waymark locations.

England - North England - Cheshire - Wirral


Birds, Butterflies, Flowers, Good for Kids, Good for Wheelchairs, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Industrial Archaeology, Lake/Loch, Play Area, River, Toilets, Wildlife, Woodland

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