Ashworth Moor - Cheesden Brook - Ashworth Moor

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This walk starts on the main route from Rochdale to Blackburn in a lay-by opposite the Owd Betts public house which has easy access for driving. The first section follows the Rochdale Way along footpaths and farm tracks and access roads. It leaves the Rochdale Way to cross a small stream before heading to and along a rural lane. It goes down towards a second stream which you cross before descending to a third stream. It follows the course of this stream upstream before climbing above the stream to descend to two reservoirs passing the remains of a number of mills including a mill chimney. The final section continues up the third stream, including some rough walking, passing more ruins before reaching the road and back to the pub. Although the total height gain is 234 metres most of the slopes are short and gentle, with the exception of one long uphill section. As this walk shares one stretch with walk 7916 it could be ideal for those who prefer longer walks as they can be combined to make the walk 15 to 16 kilometres. The beginning and end of the walk (approx 5 percent) are on map OL21 South Pennines.

England - North England - Manchester - Countryside


Birds, Butterflies, Flowers, Great Views, Industrial Archaeology, Pub, River, Waterfall, Wildlife, Woodland

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29.9 Miles