Ayrshire Coastal Path from Portencross to Largs

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Following the coast closely, the walk starts at Portencross Castle before passing the industrial site of Hunterston Power Station and Clydeport Terminal, then along the shore at Fairlie, past Largs Marina. Finish with a walk along the promenade from the Pencil to Largs.

Scotland - South Scotland - Ayrshire and Arran - Coast


Birds, Butterflies, Castle, Church, Flowers, Food Shop, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Pub, Sea, Toilets, Wildlife
6/8/2019 - Sue Thomson

I have done this walk quite a few times,usually walking my dogs I often start on the U road leading to Hunterston Castle. I would rate this walk higher, as it is a nice steady walk. Whether you join up with the rest of the coastal path, or just head to the shore and then walk back BUT I find there is one downside to a particular part of the complete walk. Some walkers/dog walkers are getting us all a bad name. I often encounter, and have spoken with, other walkers, who ignore 'private' signs, and instead of sticking to the footpath, go into Hunterston House/Castle grounds. I've even had people tell me to just ignore the signs. I've also spoken with a couple who live in one of the cottages. Who said to me, 'what walkers don't seem to care about is that this is our home and our front garden, they're walking through. How would they feel if we just walked into their home , their garden, whenever we want'. That really brought it home to me. Surely, if we wish to take the path of reporting owners/farmers who block footpaths, we should abide by the same code and not enter areas where they are exempt Statutory Access Rights? Especially, if we are walking where people live, and going about their daily business.It feels like hypocrisy to me , if we don't. That bit out of the way, onto the walk. The U road is a nice long 'avenue', appearing flat but with a very slight gradient. You will meet cars but most drivers are considerate. It is in parts lined with trees, but they don't block the view and there is still plenty to see. The trees are handy for shade on a nice Summer day and protection when it is wet and blowy. In Spring the fields, with livestock in, usually have lambs and calves.The Highland cattle calves are worth the walk!Dog walkers, might seem basic, but, remember to bring a leash. Unlike one chap I encountered. At the top of the 'avenue' this road splits. There is a clearly signed , and well maintained public footpath, to the right. I believe NAC actually maintains the path, which is great. This means even for those who have mobility issues, it is actually a nice walk, without worrying about it being too uneven underfoot. My friend has also managed it in an electric wheelchair, without too many bumps. It takes you alongside the Castle. History buffs can get a really good look (without having to leave public footpath) I'm led to believe tours of the Castle can be booked on a website?! At the bottom of the footpath there is a gate to the left , which is the entrance to the 'private' area. If you go right instead , and cross over the power station road, you can walk about 30m and find a path on the left. This leads to the older road, now unused. Once on the road a right turn will head towards the Fairlie direction. Whilst a left turn will head towards the shore/the wind turbine/the path to Portencross. If you're keen you can head to Portencross, then loop back.

4/22/2012 - Nan Kafka

Done this walk lots of times as it's local for me. The Village Inn on Bay Street in Fairlie serves lovely coffee, scones and lunches. Super service and very reasonably priced. It is easily accessed from the beach and road.

2/19/2010 - Michael and Marian Vaughn

Staying in Largs for a few days and this was a lovely walk on a beautiful day - cold, frosty but brilliant sunshine. Please note that our GPS showed the exact distance from the bus stop at West Kilbride to the start was 2.02 miles; also take a packed lunch - we found nowhere to eat or even buy food until we reached Largs!