Bag Enderby - Somersby - Stainsby - Bag Enderby

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Bag Enderby - Somersby - Stainsby - Hagworthingham - Bag Enderby

The walk starts from the village of Bag Enderby and circles north, climbing between Warden Hill and Anderson Hill, then dropping into the village of Somersby, Tennyson's birthplace. Views to the south are breathtaking. From here it returns across fields to revisit Bag Enderby briefly before heading away south into the River Lymm Valley complex.

Crossing the Lymm (Tennyson's babbling brook) it then visits the hamlet of Stainsby before visiting a remote artificial lake with a delightful picnic spot, crossing another tributary and climbing to Hagworthingham. Views across the valley on this section of the walk are superb. Here there is a chance for refreshment at the village shop and cafe or at the village pub, The George and Dragon, before returning by the old road to Bag Enderby. Most of the walking is on tracks and field-paths, the last remnants of the old rights of way that formed the main links between these small communities before the time of motorised transport.

The walk starts off on a muddy bridleway that was the old road to Brinkhill, shown as a road on the 1824 survey by the Ordnance Survey. It finishes along the old road from Hagworthingham to Bag Enderby, again shown as a road on the 1824 OS map. There are no major roads crossing the area, just a network of narrow lanes joining tiny villages and hamlets that have changed little since Tennyson knew them. The area is quiet and unspoilt, dotted with tiny sandstone churches and thatched cottages, a haven of peace and remoteness.

The route visits a variety of habitats, each with their typical flora and fauna. The hillside and woodland to the north is the haunt of buzzard, woodpecker and deer. The river valleys and lakes to the south are home to ducks, geese, swans and warblers. The skylark still sings over the fields. The flora varies from old hedgerow to almost moorland-type fields with large areas of sedge and rush. There are large pockets of woodland, both old deciduous and new coniferous.

The area is bounded by main roads but has no settlements larger than small villages. There is a very good cafe in Hagworthingham (JJ's) which serves good, freshly home-cooked food at really cheap prices. This is always coupled with a warm welcome. Highly recommended! See Waymark 17 for details. There is also the George and Dragon, which serves excellent food but you may need to book. There is a seasonal cafe at Stockwith Mill Bridge on the road between Hagworthingham and Harrington and more sophisticated fare in Horncastle or Spilsby.

The walk can be muddy in sections and boots are essential. It is largely dog-friendly, with few stiles. There is stock in some fields, so dogs need to be on a short lead in these sections.

The route can be reversed and walked from Hagworthingham, which is served by regular public transport. This adds about 1km to the length.

England - East England - Lincolnshire - Lincolnshire Wolds


Birds, Butterflies, Church, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Lake/Loch, Pub, River, Wildlife, Woodland
7/30/2012 - Walkingworld Admin

Our thanks to Barry Benson for his revison of this walk to avoid a blocked path. July 2012. Adrian (Admin).