Bakewell - Rowsley - Beeley - Edensor - Bakewell

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Starting from the town made famous for a pudding (they don't call them tarts around here, that's something quite different), the walk is quite easy for most of the route, with two steady climbs, the first on the outward route along a farm track road and a gravel green lane track, the second from Edensor Village to Calton Pasture across the deer-park area of Chatsworth Park to the Russian Cottage area. There is only one really steep descent, which is along a rough and stony track from Calton Pasture descending to the golf course on the edge of Bakewell.

Most paths are well-marked and easy to find with one exception, being the exit point from the parking area for the Peak Villages Outlet Shopping Centre in Rowsley; the path passes through the car parking area. There is a gap in the hedge at the far side of the parking area which is unmarked. I only found it by using a fisherman's stile onto the riverside meadow; on finding the fenced path I traced it back to the car park.

The pub used on this walk is the Devonshire Arms in Beeley. This is a popular pub and restaurant. They offer a good choice of reasonably priced meals, or something more expensive if you are so inclined. The choice of hand-pulled beers is interesting, with usually at least four on offer. When walked these included Theakston's Old Peculiar and Peak Breweries' Bakewell Bitter, which is worth a try.

England - Central England - Derbyshire - Peak District


Birds, Butterflies, Cafe, Church, Flowers, Food Shop, Gift Shop, Great Views, Pub, River, Stately Home, Tea Shop, Toilets, Wildlife, Woodland
10/20/2021 - Fiona Davis

A great walk and really helped by previous comments, so easy to follow. A great cake and coffee stop in Endsor.

8/26/2015 - Peter Newman

We enjoyed this walk and the instructions were good. The bit we found confusing was Point 23...might be easier just to say 'after passing the pub head for the main road junction and turn right' Having said that, along with the map , we worked it out. Some of the stiles are now gates, and one of the gates has been shut by a farmer with rope , point 19 I think. We just headed in the adjacent field in the same direction and it was fine. We started this walk at point 15 , because the parking is cheap at the shopping centre. First four hours free and you just purchase a ticket for two hours for £2. That allows plenty of time for the walk and refreshment breaks along the way! Having completed the walk, we were glad to have started the walk at this point, as that final climb up from Bakewell is a killer! Especially in warm sunny weather.....although the views back along the valley are stunning (as mentioned in point 8) . It was also refreshing to have the descent into Rowsley ,again with great views, at the end of the walk.

7/24/2011 - Andrew Maidstone

Walked 24/7/11. All directions seemed fine to us Inc the 90 metres at wm15. Really enjoyed it and would not hesitate in recommending to others. We stopped at the Grouse and Claret at Rowsley which is also a very nice pub.

5/9/2010 - Roger Longden

My wife and I did the walk on 07/05/2010 and my GPS/Memory map logged 9.5miles and we cut out Edensor.

8/20/2007 - TERESA Brown

The directions for this walk are a little misleading. At point 15 the distance is not 90m as stated but is more like 300m. If you are looking for the stile at point 16, it's just after the sign for Rowsley, don't go into the wood after the first lot of houses (as we did). At times we couldn't understand why we were being sent off in one direction when it became apparent later that there was a more direct route. A very strange walk that we are not keen to repeat.

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