Bellingham - Redesmouth - Countesspark Wood - Wark

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This is a linear walk with one way by bus. Starting in the little Northumberland market town of Bellingham (pronounced 'Bill-in-jam' by locals), the walk spends much of its time walking beside the beautiful and tranquil River North Tyne. It is a true 'get away from it all' walk that helps you appreciate why Northumberland is known as England's Last Wilderness.

After the first stretch along the North Tyne, the walk diverts to take the old pack-horse Rede Bridge over the River Rede. This is a gorgeous spot, especially in the sunshine; those with cameras will wish to take a few snaps, I'm sure. Once over the Rede, we are delivered, courtesy of a disused railway line, to Redesmouth Village and on into Countesspark Wood (keep an eye open for red squirrels). Here we once again pick up the North Tyne. Here too, photographers and wildlife enthusiasts (and those who just like to enjoy the tranquillity) will be kept very happy.

All too soon, we wave a fond farewell to the North Tyne and climb once more to the disused railway. After following the railway for a kilometre or so, through stunning woodland (we spotted a roe-deer), we climb to open pastureland and great views over Tynedale and beyond.

After passing a ruined Bastle House, the walk leads us onto a network of very quiet lanes for the last mile or so. We cross Wark Bridge back into Wark itself (otters have been spotted from here) before reaching the end of the walk and the excellent Battlesteads Hotel.

Dog-walkers, please note the presence of livestock and some dog-unfriendly stiles.

NB: you will also require map OL43, Hadrian's Wall.

England - North England - Northumberland - Northumberland National Park


Birds, Church, Flowers, Food Shop, Great Views, Moor, Museum, Pub, Public Transport, River, Wildlife, Woodland

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Distance away
28.6 Miles
28.6 Miles