Bicknoller - West Quantoxhead - Holford - Bicknoller

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Leaving Bicknoller Church we climb a little above the village and surrounding countryside to gain the Quantock Greenway, a contour path following the boundary between farmland and the moors of the higher ground. Spectacular views towards Exmoor early in the walk are soon replaced by the wide vistas afforded by the River Severn estuary. On a clear day, the coastline of South Wales seems only a stone's throw away. Approaching and leaving Holford, somewhat over halfway through the walk, these expansive views are replaced by ancient beech, oak and coniferous woodlands. Those of Hodder's Combe are special, especially if the walk is done in the autumn, as the colours create a spectacular backdrop, the low sun finding its way through the canopy to create a magical atmosphere.

As mentioned in the walk summary, Route 1306 also follows Hodder's Combe, though in the opposite direction. The walks are, otherwise, quite distinct and of different characters.

After wet weather, much of the contour path is muddy and slippery and parts never really do dry out, so walking-boots are almost essential.

Herds of deer and groups of ponies will almost always add interest to the day and present great photo opportunities, but remember, if it is autumn, the days are shorter, so there's a need to keep moving.

England - South West England - Somerset - Quantock Hills


Birds, Church, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Moor, National Trust, Pub, Restaurant, Tea Shop, Woodland