Borthwnog Hotel - Garth-gell - Llechfraith - Bontddu

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The outward leg of the walk is through the Mawddach Woodlands RSPB Reserve. Star species here include dipper, pied flycatcher, redstart, wood warbler, hawfinch, woodcock, lesser spotted woodpecker as well as the usual more common woodland species. The reserve is also home to lesser horseshoe bats and various species of rare mosses, liverworts and lichen.

The route then ascends a low shoulder and descends the other side near the site of the old Clogau gold mines. Pronounced Clog-eye, this was once the largest, richest mine in the area. Originally it was a lead and copper mine until gold was found there in about 1860. The mine has since undergone several reincarnations, the most recent in 1992-8. Clogau gold is traditionally included in wedding rings for the Royal Family.

After crossing the A496 on the edge of Bontddu Village the route returns along the bank of the River Mawddach.

From Waymarks 9 and 12 the quickest return route is along the road if you wanted to abandon the walk for any reason.
There is one ladder-stile on the walk.

Wales - Mid Wales - Meirionnydd - Countryside


Birds, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Industrial Archaeology, Public Transport, River, Woodland