Brimham Rocks - Glasshouses - Guise Cliff - Dacre Banks

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We start at the National Trust's Brimham Rocks. This is well worth a visit in its own right, but I advise you to allow plenty of time for this and visit the rocks after your return. From Brimham Rocks we cross to pick up the Nidderdale Way and follow it through woodland and onwards over pasture and good paths to the little hamlet of White Houses.

Leaving the Nidderdale Way, we then descend to the small village of Glasshouses and downwards to cross the River Nidd. Here, the main climb of the day begins, upwards through Guisecliff Woods. We have an optional stop-off beside the enchanting Guisecliff Tarn, a beautiful little spot hidden away from the main path; a good spot for a rest.

The climb continues up to the top of Guise Cliff and if you brought along a packed lunch, this may be a good spot (wind permitting) to enjoy it while you soak up the views. Although this isn't the highest point around here, it certainly seems that way. On a clear day you can see the North York Moors, the Yorkshire Wolds, the Vale of York and the Dales stretching out behind you.

Here, we've joined the other leg of the Nidderdale Way (it runs up one side of Nidderdale and down the other). We follow it along good tracks along the high ground above the dale, skirting the moorland and then crossing pasture, down into the village of Dacre Banks. Following an optional short diversion to the Royal Oak, we pick up a riverside path running alongside the Nidd before climbing back up to Brimham Rocks. If you have the energy left, this is the time to explore it.

Dog owners, please note the presence of sheep, cattle and some awkward stiles.

England - North England - Yorkshire - Nidderdale


Birds, Butterflies, Church, Flowers, Gift Shop, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Industrial Archaeology, Lake/Loch, Moor
9/13/2020 - Mark Bailey

A brilliant walk on a warm September Sunday that started at 16C and ended up at 23C by the time we returned to BR. Confirmation that a wonderful wooden footbridge is now in situ at Marker 5. The small lake above Glasshouses a good stop and also check out the history of the old GH mill that is now luxury housing. The pasture fields down to Dacre Banks, off the moor are muddy, even after little rain so wear your boots and be prepared to look as if you have been walking. Finally my GPS said 9.5 miles so not sure about the previous comment. Perhaps the paths have shrunk in recent years. In summary a superb walk, but be prepared for a bit of moderate hill walking. Excellent.

11/8/2018 - Sam Roebuck

Re-walked and updated (incorporating all comments). Please note that at the time of walking (October 2018) the footbridge at Waymark 5 had been temporarily removed. It was necessary to step down to the bank (about a 75cm step!), and cross by the (probably a little slippery) stone ford. Please leave a comment if you find the footbridge has been reinstated.

7/24/2017 - Paul Cuffling

Lovely walk. A couple of stiles are now gates and WP24 should say go round the RHS of field not left but really enjoyed........thank you!!

7/8/2017 - Gordon Pollard

WP 2 Turn right before reaching the farm,go through metal gate and go around the back of the farm on well worn path to reach WP 4 WP24 Cross field to far corner go through gate and turn right and follow the field wall around to WP 25. Did this walk 7-7-17 Excellent walk Gordon Pollard

4/22/2013 - Peter and Philippa Melhuish

What a lovely walk! A lot of variety and interest all along the route, and some beautiful views.

7/8/2008 - Sam Roebuck

Sorry about the typo, Stephen, this has now been corrected. Can't do anything about the cows. though - Sam. Check out the WW article What about cows and bulls?.

7/6/2008 - Roger Denison

Did the walk on Friday 4 July 2008. Weather gorgeous and walk enjoyable. Directions excellent and did not get lost despite forgetting to take a map! Unfortunately arrived at Red Lion at 15.35 after it closed at 15.00. At Glasshouses there is something called Yorkshire Country Wines. which serves snacks/hot drinks ideally situated next to the river. Cake & cheese were excellent and really large portions!

6/21/2008 - Stephen Harris

A good walk with some great scenery. PLEASE be aware this is a 10.5 mile walk (measured on GPS). The MMO file states 9.38 so this walk could do with updating. We didn't realise it was a 10 miler and there is also a LOT of ups and downs. Be VERY careful at waypoint 37, we got stampeded by cattle and had to run for our lives out of the field, not a pleasant experience. A good walk other than that but very long and tiring!. 8/10.

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