Caldy Hill - Thurstaston Hill and the Dungeon

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I began my walk from West Kirby Station and made my way up to Caldy Hill, where there is a huge shipping beacon and not far away, a viewfinder. From here woodland paths wound down to farmland and then to the National Trust's Thurstaston Hill with wide-ranging views across the Dee to North Wales. Field paths led to the Dungeon with its caves and waterfalls and then the Wirral Way which runs along the bed of a disused railway. When the tide is out you can do as I did and walk along the edge of the Dee estuary, rich with waders, until you have to go up again to the Wirral Way.

England - North England - Cheshire - Mersey Side


Birds, Flowers, Food Shop, Good for Kids, Great Views, Hills or Fells, National Trust, Nature Trail, Play Area, Pub, Sea, Tea Shop, Toilets
11/7/2023 - Graham Moss

Walked 04-11-23. Did this walk starting at West Kirby in 2013 and from Royden Park in 2018. As far as I can remember no particular navigation issues were encountered then. In 2018 I parked at Royden to avoid car park charges at W. Kirby however car park charges now also apply at Royden so no difference where you start the walk. Some minor amendments to the route: There is now a large car park at the back of the Sports centre which is accessed via Orrysdale Road off the A540. (The railway line runs at the back of this car park). WP.1 is accessed by returning to the A540 along Orrysdale Road. From here the Wirral Way can be seen across the main road with a large distinctive gateway that was erected to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Wirral Way. On the main road there is a pedestrian crossing to your right allowing you to cross the road safely. WP 16. Not sure if this gate has been repositioned but after going through the gate continue straight ahead a short distance along a muddy field path towards the opposite field boundary hedge. Follow the path as it turns to the right and with the hedge now on your left continue up the field towards the single tree mentioned in the walk script. WP 17. The footpath to Newton mentioned in the script is signposted to 'Grange'. On the few occasions I had to check my location using GPS and the OS Locate app I found no discrepancies with the Grid References. In addition to the pubs along the route light refreshments are also available at Royden, along the Wirral Way at Thurstason (The Whistle Stop Cafe) as well as W.Kirby.

1/29/2012 - michael parry

Did this walk on 27/1/2012.Although most of the instructions are pretty good, we had problems finding waymarks 7/8. We checked position using GPS. Grid references all along the walk are totally wrong. This we know because we had 2 GPS's which both tallied, yet did not agree with walk figures. Suggest this walk be re-walked and checked.

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