Carlton - Horsehouse - Arkleside - Carlton

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Coverdale is peaceful and away from the hordes you might encounter in Wharfedale and Wensleydale. You quickly leave the road and descend to the River Cover, which you follow to Horsehouse through pleasant pastureland surrounded by stone walls. It is generally easy to follow from stile to stile on the outward section, but more care is required on the return leg, which uses a higher route though there is no arduous climbing. The stiles you will encounter vary in design from narrow slits with spring-loaded gates to high steps, so might be tricky for the larger frame or the less agile. Some sections may be muddy after rain but by no means impassable.

Most paths are little-used and you are likely to encounter few other walkers. This also means you need to be observant to be sure of the way. In spring you should see primroses, cowslips, cuckoo flower, bluebells, ramsons, curlews and oyster-catchers and maybe a dipper in the river.

England - North England - Yorkshire - Yorkshire Dales - Wensleydale


Birds, Butterflies, Church, Flowers, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Industrial Archaeology, Pub, Restaurant, River, Wildlife
4/27/2013 - Max Taylor

Walk undertaken April 2013. This is a very pleasant walk and in better weather than we had would be very attractive. The directions are on the whole clear, although walking around Horsehouse was more difficult - the path is often unclear, and the ground somewhat unaccommodating and rough. On the return leg of the walk (from Horsehouse back to Swineside, West Scranton and Carlton), the ground is much less even and difficult (at least when wet), and the path appreciably less easy to follow. Its also a bit exposed; the day we walked was very wet and blustery, and I'm afraid we gave up trying to follow the path towards Swineside and returned to the outward leg at Hindelthwaite Hall Bridge, walking back along the bank of the Cover. We had a dog with us who is well used to sheep, but we felt it prudent to keep him on the lead as we passed sheep, of which there are many! There are lots of attractive places to stop for a picnic, particularly along the cover. The trees were just coming into bud whilst we were there, and I imagine in a few weeks time when Spring has had a chance this would be a wonderful walk. We enjoyed it.

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