Crazies Hill to the Thames and Back - East

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Crazies Hill is one of those sorts of places you see signs to but never actually pass through. In fact it has a much-admired pub and is nice and quiet, which means it's a great place to park and start a walk. The landscape is rural, but with slopes and great long views, mostly over paddocks with horses and fields with sheep. About a third of the way along the route you reach the Thames, for a short walk along the Thames Path, but not a part that is at all frequented. Then a meandering route takes you back up the slopes to the start past some large farms and some fine houses.

This is a companion walk to 'Crazies Hill to the Thames and back - West' (7092) in that you could walk the first half of that walk and then return along the second half of this one (see Additional Info' for details of this and other adjacent walks).

The Dew Drop Inn will give refreshments if needed. It’s just a 260m detour from WM 09, roughly half way round the route.

England - South England - Berkshire - Countryside

6/13/2021 - Gavin Bradshaw

This is a great walk on a nice sunny day and I agree with the other comment that says it's almost as good as walk 7092. What let it down a little but for me was the stretch from the main road up to WM 6 which is a bit overgrown now and you can't see much of anything on either side for quite a while. As another has said, you might want to take the detour at WM 13 to avoid the mud. I went in June after days of hot dry weather and it was still very muddy with a constant supply of water running along the path from somewhere. But don't let the above put you off too much, it really is a lovely walk and the positives outweigh the small negatives. Recommended.

3/30/2016 - Neil Packham

This is almost as good as its superb companion walk (7092). It's worth bearing in mind that the riverbank route after the stile at WM3 is very susceptible to flooding after rain so the alternative 'official' path is far preferable in this instance. The ruined cottage at WM7 is no more. Very muddy from WM12 onwards so continuing through Warren Row instead is a good option after wet weather. Continuing on the road at WM13 also highly recommended in these conditions.

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Distance away
28.6 Miles