Culworth - Marston St Lawrence

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From Culworth in Northamptonshire, the route takes a bridleway into very pleasant open countryside. Field-paths are taken to reach the tiny Lower Thorpe and a little road-walking takes in Thorpe Mandeville. The manor-house and the church stand on opposite sides of the road and further on, the more recently built houses of the village before the Three Conies pub. The route continues down the side of Marston Hill to the edge of Marston St Lawrence, swinging round to walk up the other side which is a conservation area and from where there are superb views over the beautiful surrounding countryside. More field-paths and a little road-walking lead back to Culworth.

England - Central England - Northamptonshire - Countryside


Birds, Church, Flowers, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Pub, Wildlife, Woodland

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22.4 Miles