Darlingscott - Ilmington - Blackwell

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From the tiny village of Darlingscott, this walk soon ventures into the most wonderful Warwickshire countryside, on the way to Ilmington. Hills rise dramatically and the contours of the landscape are amazing and spectacular on the upward leg to the gated road that leads to Charingworth.

The descent into Ilmington comes as a relief after the uphill climbs and natural hillocky meadows drop down into this most charming and pretty village. The rest of the walk is on mostly level terrain, with some quiet roads, field paths and lanes, entering Blackwell, where there is a remarkable and old thatched barn and a mixture of idyllic dwellings with pretty gardens.

The narrow country lane back to Darlingscott is in a very rural setting, with marvellous scenes along the way. This is a superb little walk with plenty to offer the country-lover.

England - Central England - Warwickshire - Countryside


Birds, Butterflies, Church, Flowers, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Lake/Loch, Nature Trail, Play Area, Pub, Wildlife, Woodland
3/24/2017 - Tony Goddard

This is a great walk although the first half is mainly up hill and quite hard work. However the reward is fantastic views all around. Unlike many walks the views are good for most of the walk not just one part. Note that at the farm in waypoint 2 you ignore the gate in the guide - it's locked anyway. Walk on up the drive and bear left near the farm house. The signing is good from then onwards

6/29/2015 - Louise Winterton

Lovely walk with some great vistas. Couple of changes since it was published. Beginning of guidance #2:- Do not turn immediately into gateway on left. The gate is tied and although still accessible the Farmer asked us to walk up the drive and veer off left before the house. Some good markings from that point as you want on up the hill. Guidance # 12:- We encountered, what we perceived to be, some pretty aggressive cows who kept on lining up and moving in towards us in the field referred to as 'Climb stile into next field and head for far corner'. We backtracked to beginning of guidance # 12. Turned right onto the main road and then left onto road down to Blackwell.

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