Delamere Station to Cuddington Station by Oakmere Way

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This route provides an easy way to get from Delamere Station to Cuddington Station that many people will be able to do easily in the time between two trains (about two hours). There are short- to medium-distance views over the rolling Cheshire countryside, not spectacular but enjoyable nonetheless.

The first part of the route follows The Oakmere Way, a route recently created thanks to the Mid-Cheshire Bridleway Association:

Sand quarrying is a major activity in the area and the route has been established with the help of the quarry operators. The route shows various stages in reinstatement. In one area, a former quarry has been a Forestry Commission nursery for a decade or more, while in another both quarrying and restoration are in progress. In truth, none of this has been intrusive when I have walked the route. There are a couple of information boards to help explain what you see.

Hardly any of the route crosses land that has been intensively farmed in recent years. The associated lack of herbicides and pesticides means that the plant and animal life is fairly diverse. To my surprise, there was also a fair range of fungi visible in April 2014. The warm, dry, south-facing banks along the route provide a good habitat for butterflies and other insects, hence there's an associated bird population.

Near the end of the walk, the route follows The Whitegate Way, a path using the former Cuddington to Winsford railway line.

England - North England - Cheshire - Countryside


Birds, Butterflies, Cafe, Flowers, Pub, Public Transport, Tea Shop, Wildlife, Woodland

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