Dornoch Point

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A delightful, picturesque seaside walk from Dornoch, Sutherland. Dornoch itself has an interesting history and an hour or two exploring it would be time well-spent. Part of this walk is in the village and passes informative plaques to whet the appetite, while later, information notices describe the peninsula's flora and birdlife.

The outward route is on sandy paths through marram grass (which binds most of the Point together) and salt marsh; the homeward can either be atop the line of dunes or along the sandy beach (look out for seals and dolphins). There are lovely views on all sides.

Refreshments, toilets, caravan site, museum, craft centre, golf courses are in Dornoch. An excellent family walk - paddle, swim, beachcomb, picnic... and walk, of course!

Scotland - Highlands and Islands - Highland - Sutherland


Ancient Monument, Birds, Cafe, Church, Flowers, Food Shop, Gift Shop, Good for Kids, Great Views, Museum, Play Area, Pub, Public Transport, Sea, Tea Shop, Toilets, Wildlife
7/24/2015 - Michael and Marian Vaughn

Walked this while on a week's holiday in Dornoch. I agree with Sue Mallows about the navigation but I don't think the contributor could have made it any clearer as there are so many paths through the marshes. We did make waypoints 9 and 10 with the help of our GPS but struggled coming back as the GPS was taking us into the sea - lots of channels. Completed it but not as enjoyable as the Dornoch-Embo walk.

6/6/2014 - SUE MALLOWS

Without the photographs (which I don't print as we can read maps perfectly well and it also saves on ink cartridges) the instructions for this walk were very sparse and, at times, difficult to follow (particularly as the salt marshes have a lot of footpaths cutting across them). It is a beautiful area, well worth visiting and walking around but we never made it to points 9&10 as we had nothing to gauge our position by - Instead, we joined the beach at about point 8 and then, to extend our walk, we went all the way back to the lifeboat house (see OS map) before returning to the town.