East Ravendale - Wold Newton - Hawerby cum Beesby - Ashby cum Fenby

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The third walk of the Wanderlust Way (the other two are 2026 and 2055). An easy, circular walk around the splendid scenery and pretty villages of the Lincolnshire Wolds.

This third walk of the Wanderlust Way starts in the pretty Wolds village of East Ravendale. A long stretch of track and fieldside walking takes us eventually into the estate village of Wold Newton, where we can choose either a higher-level route over the back of the village, or to take the road through the village to admire the gardens of the estate cottages. Both routes include a visit to the very pretty church.

From Wold Newton, the route takes us along a wooded valley known simply as 'The Valley' to the farmland around the medieval village of Beelsby. Beelsby itself is now just mounds of earth, but evidence of strip farming can clearly be seen en route.

After Beesby, we drop off the Wolds to skirt Ashby cum Fenby, from where it's an easy walk back to the start at East Ravendale.

England - East England - Lincolnshire - Lincolnshire Wolds


Ancient Monument, Birds, Butterflies, Church, Mostly Flat, Pub, Woodland
11/30/2018 - Steven Wainer

Did this walk on 30/11/2018 with my Rottweiler,walk is dog friendly as all the mentioned stiles have been replaced by gates,navigation is fairly straight forward,views of the wolds on the outward leg and views out to the sea on the return leg to Ashby,

9/22/2009 - Adrian Perkins

Many thanks to Sam for updating the Access Information for this walk, September 2009. Adrian (Admin)