Eastville Park - Snuff Mills - Oldbury Court - Eastville Park

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A favourite walk for Bristol dog-owners and those who want to get away from the bustle of the city. The walk takes in two parks and a stretch along the River Frome, with a cafe en route and the relics of a working stone sawmill at Snuff Mills.

The walk starts in Eastville Park, a prime example of a grand Victorian city park. An interesting feature of the lake, which you may want to deviate from the walk to test, is that there is no point from which you can see its entire boundary.

Next there's a short stretch down the River Frome, eventually leading to the car park at Snuff Mills. Here there's a small cafe with a terrace overlooking the river. Along the stretches of the Frome you may be lucky and see the flash of a kingfisher.

The walk continues past the remains of a mill, with a double egg-ended boiler used in the past to power a saw for the stone quarry. You enter Oldbury Court and continue to follow the Frome, the last section on a trickier narrow path. Cutting back through the higher part of the park, the walk returns to the Frome and you retrace the outward route to the start.

The whole walk can be shortened by starting at Snuff Mills car park (Waymark 8). A section of the walk from here can be done with wheelchairs and buggies, but you will need to turn back halfway between Waymarks 11 and 12. There are other parts of Oldbury Court that may be visited using a wheelchair (e.g. by turning right at Waymark 10) but the gradient away from the river is quite steep.

This walk features in the 'Pathways' book - for more information click on the link on the Walkingworld homepage.

England - South West England - Bristol - Avon Valley


Birds, Cafe, Good for Kids, Good for Wheelchairs, Play Area, River, Tea Shop, Toilets, Woodland
10/29/2010 - David and Chris Stewart

Eastville Park is where all the local dogs go to meet and bound around. Most run off their leads. The only place you need to be careful is along the riverside path which is also used as a cycle track and some don't slow down for dogs.

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