Es Cubells – Pujol de sa Caseta – Puig Llentrisca Circular

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From the little church overlooking the sea at picturesque Es Cubells, we begin by walking across country to reach Can Mestre, where there is a bar and little supermercado, conveniently. Now we begin with an easy ramble through woods and timeless countryside before beginning a long series of climbs to reach the ridge at at Can Portmany. We turn westwards and follow a wide track along the ridge, enjoying some lovely countryside. Soon we fork off to ascend along a forest track that will bring us to Pujol de sa Caseta. From here there are some stunning views southwards over the sea towards Formentera. Now we take the little concrete lane zigzagging steeply down to reach the Cala d'Hort road, which we follow for a short way. Before long we reach a point at which we can head straight back to Es Cubells, shortening the walk and avoiding the climb to the summit of Puig Llentrisca, 414m (see walk description).

Next we take a footpath towards the coast and soon we face the short but very stiff climb twisting and turning our way up to the summit of Puig Llentrisca. The climb will take about half an hour, but is more than worth the pain. From the top the panoramas are amazing and we can see over to Formentera and even maybe to the Spanish mainland in a westerly direction if the visibility is good enough. Now we have a ramble downwards - tricky in places - through scrubland to reach a wide track and this will lead us back to Es Cubells, passing through vine fields and delightful countryside with wonderful coastal scenery. A truly classic Ibiza hike and one of the island's very best.

Spain - Balearic Islands - Ibiza - Coast


Birds, Butterflies, Cafe, Church, Flowers, Great Views, Mountains, Restaurant, Sea, Wildlife, Woodland
2/10/2018 - Jim Arymar

A minor route change and update in Feb 2018. This is a stunning but strenuous hike with an easier alternative second part. Very highly recommended. Jim Arymar