Essendon - Epping Green - Newgate Street Circular

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A pleasantly undulating, largely wooded walk along footpaths, bridleways and tracks in horsy Hertfordshire countryside. The walk uses sections of the Hertfordshire Way long-distance footpath and takes in two village pubs, with the opportunity to visit several more besides.

England - Central England - Hertfordshire - Countryside


Birds, Butterflies, Cafe, Church, Flowers, Food Shop, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Lake/Loch, Pub, Public Transport, Restaurant, Tea Shop, Toilets, Wildlife, Woodland
8/17/2010 - Bryan Hards

14/08/10 - Bryan Hards: I enjoyed this walk today, especially the return leg. But I went wrong after waypoint 16. After crossing the plank bridge referred to, you should ignore the path off to the left and take the (only) path ahead that climbs up through woodland. This brought me out right, so perhaps the situation on the ground has changed.

6/16/2009 - Judy Brua

14/6/09 - A pleasant walk, but my guess is that it was prepared quite a few years ago - a good number of the waymarks have changed and you need to watch quite carefully for some of them. Waymark 1 - the sign no longer says 'Little Berkhamsted 1'. The cottage at waymark 3/4 is entirely hidden by growth and isn't visible until you are about 50 meters from it, so isn't a good aiming point. The road mentioned in waymark 6 is really very busy - not sure why the alternative footpath to Tylers Cross isn't followed. We missed 11 entirely, couldn't find it.

4/4/2008 - Robin Philpott

I did this walk today, 04/04/08, with my 9 year old daughter, and it's very pleasant. Long stretches are on bridleways which are very churned up and muddy, and the road stretch at waymark 6 needs real care because it is a winding, busy road, with fast moving traffic but no pavements. Also, at waymark 15/16 the kissing gate on the right has gone and there is now just a well trodeen gap through the hedge and into the field. According to my GPS the walk is more like 14.1km than 11.

6/20/2004 - Tony Cole

Really enjoyable walk with easy to follow instructions. There are a few hills that our 12 year old son managed without too much moaning. We ate a delicious lunch at the second pub in Newgate Street and really enjoyed watching the rabbits towards the end of the walk.

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