Fiddleford Manor - Hammoon - Child Okeford - Fiddleford

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This walk is one of a series in the Stour Valley. It starts at the free English Heritage car park for the Fiddleford Manor and Mill complex, which is really worth a visit in its own right. The manor-house is quite spectacular and the renovated section is open to the public (simply go up and open the door). There is an extensive weir system associated with the mill and an interesting inscription on one of the walls.

The walk is through very flat country but it is certainly not without a lot of interest. The walk leaves the river near its start but catches up with it again the other side of Hammoon. Have a look at the Manor House Farm and the church at Hammoon but the carefully preserved 'cross' in its circular enclosure does not do much for a lot of people.

After Hammoon, you stroll beside the river for a time, then make contact with the edge of Child Okeford, where there is a pub not hard to find. After this you swing back down to the river, cross it and make contact again with the disused railway track which seems to haunt the whole length of the Stour Valley. Then it is back to where you came from via paths through typical, beautiful Dorset countryside.

This walk was originated by Colin Campbell. Walkingworld would like to say a big thank you to Colin for all his superb contributions to the website over the years.

England - South West England - Dorset - River Walk


Ancient Monument, Birds, Butterflies, Church, Flowers, Great Views, Industrial Archaeology, Mostly Flat, Museum, Pub, Public Transport, River, Stately Home, Wildlife, Woodland
8/19/2006 - Sylvia Saunders

We enjoyed this walk on 14.8.06 and it was made all the better with lunch half way round at Child Okeford. To find pub, ignore waymarks 13 &14 and continue along the road. A most pleasant pub where we and our dog received a warm welcome and good lunch. Continue along the road, turn right down the track and you will shortly rejoin the walk at waymark 15.

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