Filkins - Broughton Poggs - Langford - Broadwell - Filkins

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Filkins, Broughton Poggs, Langford and Broadwell are four attractive villages in the far west of Oxfordshire, all dominated by Cotswold Stone. They are all compacted together in a fairly small area Filkins and Broughton Poggs are virtually merged together as one village, with only a small stream separating them. The walk is fairly short and passes through all the villages, and the countryside in between that separates Broadwell and Langford from the other two. It is a very easy and flat walk, with two pubs on the route - the Fiva Alls at Filkins, close to the start of the walk, and the Bell at Langford.

England - Central England - Oxfordshire - Cotswolds


Church, Mostly Flat, Pub
7/8/2023 - Walkingworld Admin

Walkers are entitled to walk the footpaths even if they have been planted with crops. If a marked path across a crop is difficult to find, follow the boundary around the field tojavascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder_middle$AddAComment_AddComments$ctl14','') find the exit described and photographed. This will add a little distance to the described route overall.

7/1/2023 - avril mccartan

Not a walk for views but great if you like to see lots of attractive and grand properties. Considering the number of villages, the walk was underused,so a bit of a slog at times. After the first 2 villages we went through a field where the farmer was growing his crop right to the edge, not leaving any right of way.We had to cut the walk short as had a dinner reservation based on the walk timing description. Despite not even getting to Broadwell on foot,we had already done over 6 miles!

7/30/2017 - Simon Cole

I suspect the route is a little old, as there are a few points where a gate / fence is missing, several points where the route is very overgrown (impossible to open one gate, and several others difficult). Error at 23 which should be *right* hand edge of field not left. At 15 the directions are hazy as the track is not as defined as perhaps it once was. Otherwise though, a few nice walk accepting a few frustrations along the way (and some abysmal weather!).

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