Fluke Hall - Pilling - Presall - Knott End - Fluke Hall

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The walk starts at Fluke Hall car park, crosses fields to Preesall and passes through the salt marshes, an SSSI, before crossing a golf course to reach Knott End. The walk gives some surprising views and a panoramic vista of Morecambe Bay. The return along the coastal defence wall gives oportunities to observe the many seabirds.

England - North England - Lancashire - Fylde


Birds, Pub, River, Sea, Toilets, Wildlife
2/7/2014 - MIKE DUDLEY

A cool grey but clear day in January. Difficult to not be prejudiced against this walk because it was so wet underfoot, with sections of fields under water. Not easy to navigate as several bits of the walk have changed, and have to refer to map a lot. Obviously it is generally more enjoyable when a walk is circular, but Points 1 to 17 were grim and featureless - maybe better on a dry summer's day - but I doubt it! Getting attacked by a horse at Point 14 did not help! To be honest, the best plan - though could be crowded - is to walk from Point 1 to Knott End (20) and back. Some great birds but needs to be a high tide

3/30/2011 - Yvonne Scully

This is really a very nice walk but be aware that it can be very wet and muddy in places. We had to take a couple of detours to avoid areas that really required waders.

5/3/2007 - Amanda Dowdall

Did this walk OK apart from between 10 & 11 - one path almost covered by a growing manure heap, and electric-fence wire over the 2 stiles in point 11. Have reported to Lancs County Council to check out if right of way has been moved or obstructed.

10/1/2006 - Stephen Morris

We did this walk on 30th September 2006 and found the path between points 9 & 10 to be blocked by a field of maize! Easy to get around, but added three-quarters of a mile to the walk. Watch out for the high calorie cakes at the Knott End Cafe!

12/3/2004 - Jane Britton

Did this walk in late November - should have known better as first section was a quagmire the whole way. Don't know what the second part was like as we abandoned it when we met a road and just did the last part along the sea wall. Be warned too that the farmer seems to have removed and replaced fences - we never did find the 2 straggly trees and the stile!!!

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