Forada - Buscastel - Plana de Ca Na Peres Circular

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From the little cafe-restaurant at Forada we begin by making our way briefly along the road before turning off to visit the old well Pou de Forada. From here we will make our way eastwards through peaceful Ibiza countryside, eventually to join the Cami Vell de San Mateu. We will walk along this pretty old way for a few minutes before joining another, busier road for three hundred metres and then rejoining the cami to continue northwards. In a couple of kilometres we will turn off to follow a mostly forested track that will bring us to the picturesque and interesting Buscastell Valley. Our way will take us southwards down the valley for a while before we head off into the timeless countryside of the Ca Na Peres area. Once more we ramble through ever-changing scenery before returning to Forada.

Spain - Balearic Islands - Ibiza - Inland Ibiza


Birds, Butterflies, Cafe, Church, Flowers, Food Shop, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Public Transport, Restaurant, Wildlife, Woodland
1/11/2019 - Jim Arymar

This walk was reviewed in December 2018. Due to the inaccessibility of the Buscastell stream bed I have had to change the route a little as well as replace some pictures and sharpen the text in places.No other navigational changes and the length is unchanged. This is a fascinating and varied ramble and strongly recommended. Jim Arymar.