Glasnacardoch - Loch Eireagoraidh

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This circular route has spectacular views both to the west towards the islands of Muck, Eigg and Rhum and also south towards Loch Morar. It is quite an easy walk without gaining great height, but as with most walks in this region make sure you are prepared for bad weather - and you will need your boots - it's quite boggy in parts, but well worth the trip. Our route begins at a hotel and follows an easy track to the beautiful Loch Nostarie which is quite sheltered and excellent for a picnic. Continuing, the route climbs gently at first and then more steeply, towards a spot with the great views. Make sure you have your camera! Now more gently we climb through a high-sided valley towards Loch Eireagoraidh - a sometimes eerie, but impressive feature of the walk. The very low weir at the neck of the loch makes an astonishing sight when you suddenly find yourself looking along the surface of the water, then with another step the whole expanse of the loch becomes visible. The return follows a slightly higher track above Loch Nostarie with more good views over to Morar and out across Glasnacardoch Bay. The whole walk is not recommended for young children, but the first part - to Loch Nostarie and return will be OK if they have good footwear.

Scotland - Highlands and Islands - Highland - Lochaber

7/3/2014 - Mike Vickers

We found the section of the walk from points 5 to 8 difficult to follow on the ground. Once we did get to point 8, the stile was embedded in the fence, and could not be negotiated without getting our feet wet, even though we had boots on, and there had been little rain at least for some days before. We took some 4.5 hours to complete the walk, rather than 2 hours 50 mins quoted and while some time was certainly wasted between points 5 and 8 this did not account fully for the difference in time we took and the quoted time. Mike Vickers